Armadillo Removal & Exclusion

Once upon a time, armadillos were only found in South and Central America—but those days are long gone. These pests are on the march. Since the mid-1800s, they’ve been found in the southern United States. Lately, though, they’ve waddled their way into Missouri.

Sightings are becoming more common here, and we aren’t just talking about roadkill. These pervasive, armored animals can be a real nuisance to homeowners.

The Damage Armadillos Can Do

They are disruptive diggers. They have long, sharp front claws that they use to forage for insects and other foods. While bugs are their favorite snack, they also eat fruits, veggies, eggs, and even small reptiles. This constant rooting around and tunneling activity can damage the soil, making a mess of your lawn, garden, and surrounding landscape.

Signs You Have An Armadillo Problem

These nuisance animals are primarily nocturnal, so it is rare to spot one during the day. They spend as much as 16-18 hours a day asleep in a burrow. You can often see signs of their presence long before you set eyes on them. Be alert for ripped-up flower beds, uprooted plants, and shallow holes in your lawn. The holes can be 1-to-3 inches deep, 3-to-5 inches wide, and distinctly triangular-shaped, which corresponds to the shape of their snout. Another giveaway is the speed at which the destruction appears. While it is true that there are several rodents capable of doing similar damage, none can do so nearly as quickly as a hungry armadillo; and it seems their appetite is rarely sated. They spend the entire night foraging for things to eat and can wreck your yard in a single night. In contrast, rodent damage is more gradual.

Armadillos In Missouri

There are many different species, but only one can be found in Missouri: the Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus). Most prefer warmer climates, but this one is more adaptive, enabling it to branch out successfully. So, what might be attracting these animals to your home? They are drawn to grassy, brushy, and forested areas. They like loose soil that they can easily dig in, fallen logs, stumps, and rocky areas. They also like to have shade as well water nearby. They are surprisingly good swimmers; despite that leathery suit of armor, they can hold their breath for as long as 6 minutes.

Aggression And Health Concerns When Dealing With Armadillos

Armadillos are typically shy creatures that don’t bite or scratch unless they feel cornered or threatened. They also have small, peg-like teeth that cannot do much damage. Despite that, wild animals are capable of atypical behavior, including these. You should not try to handle one (alive or dead). Plus, these pests come with a serious health risk. They are known to carry leprosy. Human contact with them has been scientifically linked to high leprosy infection rates in the U.S. For those who may not know, leprosy is bad news. It can cause crippling deformities as well as organ failure. Infection can occur from handling the animals, touching areas they’ve been in contact with, and eating them. (Yes, eating them is quite popular—but it is not recommended.)

What To Do If You Have An Armadillo Issue

If you encounter an armadillo or suspect that you are having a problem with one, do not approach it, trap it, or try to shoot it. (Their shell is made of a very hard, bony substance called osteoderm. Bullets could ricochet off and hit you.)

Advanced Wildlife Control, LLC is a great choice. Not only are we the top-rated wildlife control specialists in Missouri, but we are experts at dealing with armadillos. You can count on us for prompt, efficient, humane removal and assistance with preventing their return. Please contact us today.