Chipmunk Removal & Exclusion
Many of us have grown up with chipmunks in our lives. From Chip and Dale of the 1940s to Alvin and the Chipmunks to today, this furry rodent has become part of American culture. We sure like looking at them, but if they live around your home, not so much. They are among the smallest members of the squirrel family, but thankfully, they are not nearly as destructive as their cousins. While squirrels have been known to tear apart fascia, attics, and the occasional house, the damage chipmunks cause is generally underground and costly. In large numbers, their burrows can cause structural damage under stairs, retaining walls, patios, and foundations. The national average for foundation repair is just over $4,500, which is a big price for such a small animal.

Property with gardens and flowers is like a one-stop supermarket for them. They love to dine on green plants, flower bulbs, berries, seeds, and worms. So, how much food can one animal weighing less than half a pound gather in a day? According to National Geographic, up to one hundred and sixty-five acorns. Amazingly, their flexible pouches can hold that amount of acorns at once. When they aren’t eating, they sleep up to 15 hours daily.
While the opening to their burrows is only about 3 inches across, they are flat to the ground and can pose a trip and fall hazard. There are no signs of digging like moles or gophers create because the wily animal stuffs its pouches with the dirt and disposes of it away from the hole. It doesn’t take many trips as the cheeks can expand to three times the chipmunk’s head.
They are solitary creatures, but as long as food and water permit, as many as 30 can live on one acre. They are very good neighbors and have developed a specialized language to warn others of predators. Predators on the ground, like foxes and raccoons, elicit high-pitched sounds or “chips.” From the air, the sight of an owl or hawk gets a low-pitched “chuck.” The burrows they scamper back into are architectural feats. There are rooms for storing food, having babies, nesting, and going to the bathroom.
Because chipmunks are so adorable, animal lovers may be inclined to try and keep one for a pet. Like most rodents, they can carry salmonella, tularemia, and hantavirus. Even worse, they have tested positive for bubonic plague. As underground dwellers, keeping them in a cage goes against their natural ecosystems and can lead to malnourishment and other health issues. In some states, it is illegal to keep one as a pet.
If chipmunks have become an issue for your Sullivan house or business, Advanced Wildlife Control is the area’s top-rated nuisance wildlife removal company. We are experts at getting to the source of the issue, eliminating it, and ensuring that it doesn’t return by using the latest technology, habitat modification, and exclusion methods. Contact us today to put an end to your wildlife issues.